Greetings my new followers,

This is a blog where you can send me your scary stories and I'll post it on my blog. Just send me your stories at

Thursday, September 15, 2011

the figures

joseph hashemi sends us a second part to his story
One day about 4 months ago I was sleeping and my room door opened and at the door was a dark figure It stayed there the the door slammed and I stayed under my blanket btw i'm not a wimp.When I was 10 I was sleeping and I heard a Thump! so I woke up and there was a figure of an old woman looking at me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Mimic

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 9:10 AM, Joseph Hashemi wrote:
One  day about two years ago my 17 year old uncle and my 10 year old cousin came over.My uncle went to my room and he heard me saying "Daniel" "Daniel" over and over but me and my cousin were far says in the bible that demons can copy the voice of others.Recently my sister was scared and she wanted me to sleep in her room so she was dead asleep.At midnight I was awoken by a eerie voice it was saying my name over and over and it sounded like my little sister then I saw a dark figure in the hallway and it disapeared once I saw it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Thing in the Dark

Hello my followers,
I am going to put the first story, just to kick things off.
I was only 6 at the time when I first saw it. I had just gotten home  and my mom was downstairs, busy on dinner. I was looking for one of my starwars action figures when I walked into the master bedroom.I was about to leave when I suddenly looked towards the direction of the bathroom. Then I saw a pale greyish green figure. For those of you who have seen Lord of the Rings, the thing looked like a zombie version of Golem, except a little bulkier. It had cuts all over its body and hollow black eyes. I ran out as quckly as I could and yelled for my mom. A year later I saw the thing again this time in my backyard. When I got older I started to see more of it. I dug into the history of the house and found out that where the house had been built used to be a slave plantation. One of the slaves had disobeyed the master and had been whipped to death. The crows had pecked out the corpse's eyes. After I had finished my research I went outside to dig around, see if I could dig something up. I did. I found a old worn out whip with glass shards on the end and a skull with cut marks on it. I went to a  nearby cementary and buried the skull, but I kept the whip. I still kept seeing the figure for a short time though. One day when I was sitting alone in my room, looking at the whip the figure came into the room. I had gotten used to the figure by now, but this time it did something it never did before. It walked towards the whip and continued to stare at it. It started to change its form. It turned into a nicely dressed colored man. He turned and smiled at me, and took the whip. After that he disappeared. I still saw him sometimes, but out of the corner of my eye. He is no longer the thing that tormented my household. Now he is the lost soul that protects it.